Schools programmes

We offer a range of programmes for schools, check out our offers below and get in contact to find out what is best for your setting.

Forest School

Forest School is a holistic, learner-centred, pedagogy approach to long-term outdoor learning programmes. It nurtures a sense of belonging, personal self-awareness and value, and spiritual well-being. It supports the development of emotional literacy with the aim for children and young people to emotionally regulate in a manner that is positive for them and others.

Research has highlighted that Forest School is particularly beneficial for children and young people who find learning in the classroom challenging, whether due to neurodiverse conditions and/or emotional, social and environmental challenges. Nurture groups of mixed ages are particularly suitable for this approach.


Qualified Forest School leaders encourage learners to seek and increase their own interests and knowledge of the natural environment. They do not teach, they observe and reflect on the individual learner's play and learning, to advance confidence and self esteem, promote hands-on experiences that connect learners with nature, deepen their understanding of the natural world, find their place within it and understand their responsibilities for it. They support learners to manage their physical and emotional risks by creating a non-judgemental, nurturing woodland community.

Who is it for?

Suitable for all ages, Early Years, Key Stages 1,2,3 and 4. Programmes are individually tailored to to meet the needs and interests of any group.

Delivery requirements

Sessions require a minimum of 2.5 hours and 12 sessions (4 per term) throughout the year to accommodate the changing seasons.
Sessions should be run with a maximum of 16 participants with high adult ratios, ideally 1:4, not more than 1:8, requires 2 school support staff.
This programme lends itself to encourage parent/carers, volunteers and/or older children to support the programme

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Wild Passport

This is an Outdoor Learning, woodland skills programme.
A fun, hands-on outdoor play and learning programme.

Wild Passport provides a mixture of bushcraft and craft skills where learners work alone or in small groups on tasks to discover and create. They use resources from the natural environment and undertake team building games and challenges.
All this is designed to embed knowledge, improve creative skills and enhance safety management.


Accredited Outdoor Learning Practitioners and Forest School Leaders aim to increase children and young people's knowledge and enjoyment of nature, develop bushcraft and creative skills and support them in their understanding of safe tools and fire use.

Wild Passport is a flexible, curriculum led, progression framework of 5 core skills with national curriculum links. :

- nature identification
- tool use
- rope work
- shelter building
- fire safety

There are 5 levels of achievement:
Beginner, advanced beginners, intermediate, proficient and expert.
Each level has 5 outcomes and a personal Wild passport evidencing learner’s progression, each learner is awarded a certificate on completion of each level.

Who's it for?

Suitable for Key Stages 1,2,3 and 4. Flexible planning can accommodate all learner abilities and learning styles.
This is particularly suited for Key Stages 1 and 2

Delivery requirements

The sessions require a minimum of 2 hours.
These can be delivered throughout the year in 6/12 week blocks, consecutively or rotated through year groups to accommodate seasonal changes.
Number of participants - max 30, adult ratio min of 1:10, requires 2 school support staff.

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John Muir's award

This is a nature awareness programme based on the John Muir Award, which is due to be relaunched in 2024.

The programme is designed for learners to connect with, enjoy and care for wild places and take action to keep them for the future. It increases the learner's social skills, community responsibilities and improves their knowledge and spiritual connection with the natural world.


Accredited Outdoor Learning Practitioners and Forest School Leaders introduce learners to the work and life of John Muir and guide them through a 4 stage nature programme, discovery, exploring, conserving and sharing experience. Learner groups will develop their own project aims and outcomes. There are 3 levels: bronze, silver and gold

Who's it for?

Suitable for Key Stages 2, 3 and 4. All learners can achieve this award, but is particularly suited to self motivated, curious learners and introduces a balance to their academic aspirations.

Delivery requirements

Time frame - min of 2 hours per session
Bronze - min 26 hours. 12 sessions per year, 2 per term or one full term
Sliver - min 52 hours, 26 sessions per year, 4 per term or two full terms
Gold - min 120 hours. 60 sessions.
Numbers - max 30 participants. Requires an adult ratio of minimum 1:10, requires 2 school support staff.